Like any other business unit (or) division, sales is also getting much matured. As a sales person, if we ever think that we can win a customer by magic talks, I think it’s high time, we should change our attitude. In today’s Search Engine World, knowledge is adequate and anybody can get any information from any part of the world. An employee can easily find what’s his market salary is, when this is possible any buyer can easily find how much he has to pay for the product he is going to buy. So if we think, we can win any customer by slashed quote, again we are wrong. And the growing population of Network Sales (Amway) and Modern Technology Sales (Social Media, e-mail, and Tele-Sales) has created a great awareness in all kinds of customers especially on how to deal or handle the sales people by any means. “I still remember when I called one of CIO of the reputed organization to sell outsourcing services, he was so kind to tell me that I am the 28th cold caller in the same day and this made him understand the value of his Assistant Secretary”. This shows we are not different by any means of reach and also how huge the competition is.
After all these, if we get an appointment from the customer, then this is what we should call it a “Golden Opportunity”. And in this chance, if we are very usual and routine with same kind of presentation slides explaining how we can address his pain points, we are 100% lost. The customer clearly understand what his pain points are and he also understand what can solve his problem and that is why he is on call with you. So it is always good to be prepared on how you are different from your competitors and what value proposition you bring in to the customers table. If you do not have answers for the both then you are playing a big time luck game. When Industry problems are same, the chances for industry solutions should also be same. So we should keep inventing new value propositions and to be different from our competitors. This is the only way for sustainability.
Finally, in my experience, I understood a Sales guy will be the most respected person in any organization when he is qualified with In-depth product knowledge, Sound convincing skills to feel the customer they are different from the competitors through which value proposition is proved.