Monday, 19 December 2016


The ever unsolved puzzle in the sales world is how to influence customer decision towards our favor. This is one costly technique any organization would like to afford but the question is, are there really techniques available to solve this puzzle? The answer is yes. The distance between urgency of the requirement and availability of budget determines the length of the sales cycle.
This in-between situation always pushes customer to over- educate themselves, it creates curiosity in them to choose the best, and that drives them to learn, listen and look for reviews and feedback from other customers. This situation has always forced the customers to a confused state to choose one solution out of surplus competition.
Once the customer reach this stage, they are no more interested in stories. They clearly know what they wanted but they are not sure who can provide them the solution. Here is where one can take control of the customers through value selling. Value selling is positioning of your solutions value through their pain-points and making them realize the return on the Investment.
Value selling is like a mirror, where you have to reflect your customers thoughts, make them understand you are aware of their problem, once the trust is established, handhold them to future. It is a story of past and future, where one substantiates the loss of the past with facts and numbers, while presenting the hopes of the future with the return on Investment.
The below are the key important things to focus while you work on value selling.
  • Company Name:
  • Organization Goals:
  • Decision Makers KPI for the year:
  • Area of problem:
  • Pain-points of the problem:
  • Estimated loss of human efforts towards the problem:
  • Estimated loss of profits towards the problem:
  • Over-all estimated loss due to problem:
  • Desired state - what if story?:
  • Your solution connecting to desired state:
  • Value-added services beyond addressing pain points:
  • Savings from human efforts:
  • Savings from profits:
  • Savings from value added services:
  • Over-all Return on Investment:
Once you explained the customer, it is equally important to substantiate the story again with relevant success stories and customer references. The below are the key important things to focus while you work on success stories
  • Reference Customer Name:
  • Customer Industry:
  • Vertical:
  • Geography:
  • Revenue:
  • Employee size:
  • Organization Goals:
  • Decision Makers Key KPI for the Year:
  • Area of problem:
  • Pain-points of the problem:
  • Estimated loss of human efforts towards the problem:
  • Estimated loss of profits due to problem:
  • Over-all estimated loss due to problem:
  • Story on your solution connecting the desired state:
  • Savings from human efforts:
  • Savings from profits:
  • Savings from value added services:
  • Over-all Retun on Investment:
  • Contact Name:
  • Phone Number:
  • Preferred time to contact:
  • Customer Testimonials:
The art of selling is to keep the customer engaged through this phase and positioning your solution at the best of your efforts. All his questions need to be answered in a satisfying manner. Every answer to his question around the deal need to be tied back to his ultimate requirement, pain points and the ROI proving the real value of the engagement. The more the questions from the customer, the more the chances to answer. The more you answer his questions, the more the customer gets confidence. The more the customer gets confidence, the more the customer gains trust. The more the customer trust, the more the chances for you to question back the customer on the decision, the more you question the customer on decision, the more you become influencer. The more you influence the customer, the more the deal is in favor of you.

Monday, 3 October 2016


The one key formulae every sales team is aspiring to have is to understand the time, efforts and money spent on closing a deal and definitely to understand the length of the sales process. To arrive at any such understanding, the knowledge is very important
 1)     KPI and Decision Making 2)     Budget

 KPI and Decision Making:

Every Decision Maker will have KPIs to achieve and every KPI will have two components 1) Meets Expectation: Focus on core expectation 2) Exceeds Expectation: Focus on things that helps improve the performance of the core expectations. 

For example: Meets Expectations: In manufacturing companies, managing the production unit will always be the core expectation, so when the machineries are properly taken care and when the employees working in the production unit delivered their work expectations, then they meet expectation.

Exceeds Expectations: In the same manufacturing companies, when the machineries and employees were able to achieve expected results and if they were able to identify methods on how to improve the efficiency of the machines and how to improve the production of the employees, then they are complimenting factors that lead to exceed expectations.

Any decision maker’s ultimate focus will be to achieve his expectations first and then focus on things that will help him to exceed the expectations.  From selling point of view, it is very important to know, the services/ solutions you sell creates urgency to meet his meets expectation criteria (or) to exceed expectations. Anything that creates urgency to meet expectations first creates urgency to buy and it becomes easy to sell. Only when the expectations are met and can be met, the urgency to invest into something that helps exceed expectations


Now let us understand how the budget works. Most of the organization expects every LoB’s heads or the decision makers to present their budget requirement by third quarter of every year for the next financial year. This includes the both core business and things that compliments the core business. The management then decides on the allocation of the budget according to the business demands on the first quarter of next financial year. Most of the budget requirement will focus on the core business and very minimal business case will go for complimenting factor.

Even the most compelling solution that exactly meets the KPI of the decision maker will go through slow decision making process due to limited budget availability. So it very important to understand how much is the budget available and how the decision maker will handle the budget. If you are already in customers allocated budget (or) waiting to get in his business case to get allocated. Developing this ability is very important as the time spent on one opportunity has equal chance of missing another opportunity.

Please share your thoughts on the same

Saturday, 13 August 2016

Technology cannot disrupt the emotions in Sales

I am one among the modern sales person to believe someday technology would hijack the entire sales process. I belong to a generation where I saw e-commerce changed every organization’s sales model. E-commerce slowly emerged as a mandatory sales model for all types of business. From small scale businesses to enterprises, online store fronts has become an important source of lead generation and this shows the power of technology

Two weeks back, I was invited to attend one of the successful business’s 20 year celebration. During the celebration, their long standing customers and partners were invited. The company is one of the best and highly advanced technology company which breathes only technology. So, I was curiously waiting to see someone speak how technology has changed the way they sell and how it helped them to improve sales but in contrast, all their customers were discussing only about their experiences with staffs in the organization. In fact, I see them recalling the names of their ex-colleagues and memorizing the moments, how they helped solved the problems.

This made me realize there is no technology or digital revolution that can substitute emotions. It is emotions that identifies problems, It is emotions that pushes one to look for solutions, It is emotions that converts the solution into needs and it is emotions that play a crucial role in decision making. If I summarize, I see four stages here which is problem, solution, need and decision making and if you compare it with sales process, it is pre-suspect, suspect, prospect and customer. They align perfectly to each other. So, the technology should remain only as a platform to connect human emotions.

It is 100% evident that technology creates value and emotions creates satisfaction. You just cannot sell only value without creating an experience that leads to customer satisfaction. They both should work hand-in-hand. Technology can save a human lives but it is emotions that drives him to live and not live. Please share your thoughts